Daily Chaos > Abstimmungen + Umfragen
Welche version der Itemliste wollt ihr behalten?
--- Quote from: hitch-hiker on July 18, 2007, 09:58:50 am ---denn was würde man ohne dieses Perfekte Tool machen
--- End quote ---
Das kann man gar nicht oft genug wiederholen!!!
Glaubte der gute Patric doch glatt, die Liste wäre überflüssig...
*auchgutfinddasdasdingwiederrichtiggeht* :clap:
thx patrick
dann klcik doch mal auf THANK YOU
Which layout is not the key catch: searchability is.
Which runeword (for example) has Holy Fire on it (for example)? There is no search button to list the results.
In addition, the rune words are not sorted by any key I've figured out: Alphabetical? Level requirement?
BTW I did not mean to demean... this set of pages is greatly appreciated!
well this was on a todo list but i think it will never come by me.
the only thing I will write for this is in the admin area (update/clear the DB and so on).
btw a search for attributes was never planed
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