AuthorTopic: Welcome  (Read 3595 times)

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« on: December 22, 2004, 09:34:41 pm »
[u][color=Red][b]Here[/b][/color][/u] you can find the newest version of this Welcome Thread.

Welcome to the official Board of ChaosEmpire.
This is a translation from the german FAQ written by Schnarchnase,
brought to you by:

Please read this instruction in your own interest to find your way through the board :)

  • Difference between Reply and New
  • The Inhabitant post
  • How should I name my thread?
  • How can I make a account to play online?
  • How to create games
  • First Aid
  • Links
  • Credits

What is the difference between "Reply" and "New"?

I know it sounds strange, but there are people who choose the wrong button, funny, isn't it?

What is Reply?
With this button you answer to the thread you are currently viewing.
The button looks like this: [img][/img]

What is New?
With this button you create a new topic. Name your topic wisely, so that everybody can see what's the matter. This button looks like: [img][/img]

The inhabitant-section

Why should I post in the inhabitant-section?
In the Inhabitant-section can you tell us a bit about you (including a picture if you want). We are quite a small community and are interested in you ;) . Please tell us a bit about you... The inhabitant-section is [u]here[/u].
Please read the sticky thread there called Rulez.

You need an inhabitant post, if you want to hold your account for the ChaosCoreCommunity (CCC) Realm for the future.

How should I name my threads?

In the tradesections are only allowed to have one thread/shop.

Name your thread wisely, so that everybody can see what discussion is inside.

Tip: Where to post
If you don't get your answer in the [u]International Support[/u] forum, you can try to post in one of the other topics. There are three different ones: But in most cases you will find your answers in the international support forum.

How can I make an account to play online?

You can make a Gameaccount for the CCC-Realm only from within this forum. You have to click on the [u]Chat-Button[/u] at the menu above. You need installed java and your browser must be able to use it.

Now you copy the Text /msg NICKSERV register ReplaceWithYourRealmPassword from underneath the chatwindow into the chatwindow and press Enter. You can find the Chatwindow after clicking on the menu button called Chat ;)
Don´t use the shoutbox or anybody can read your password.
You have to read the ToS (links are under the chatwindow, too) carefully. Not reading them doesn´t change the rules

How to create games

How do I create on the CCC Server?

How it works:

First, look at the join game list.
  • Is there a game where you can solve your quests? - If it is, join the game instead of opening another.
  • No game that fits you? Then join one or more games and ask the players if they would like to join your game to solve their quests there.
  • No game open? No problem, just open one (if possible with a mule char so that all quests are open for other players) ;) .
Name your game wisely, so that the others can see what you do in the game!

Full games give more expierence and its more fun to play together! For user who prefer to play alone, there is a single player mode!!! please use that mode if you don't want to play with other users.

The functions 'level requirement', 'maximum players' and 'password' are disabled on CCC.

I wish you loads of fun!

A User want to start from lvl 1. But there are only games in act 3-5 open. Just join these games and ask, if they would come over to your game!

If you want to mule, just do it in an open game, tell the users that you want to mule and no one will take anything.

First Aid
  • Where the hell is Andariel?
    Catacombs level 4 has a new map. It is very large, and there are just two possibilitys for Andariel and Leoric, because they exchange places sometimes.
    If you need help you can look at the [u]picture[/u] - the places are marked with 3.

  • Where can i find "Seven"?
    The way to the seven is in Harrogath, just search a little. If you are totally whicked, look at this.

  • Where can i find the "Dungeon"?
    The entrance to the dungeon you can find at act5 where Nilathak lives, just search a little.^^

  • What does this really BIG stone do in my inventory?
    Put the stone into the cube and morph it, and soon you will have your first and personalized set ;)

  • Why has my teddy no +1 allskill and 2 MF/level?
    Easy. Just put your unidentified unique charm (from the den of evil) with one of the horadric scrolls into the cube and morph!

  • Why can't i add etheral to my items?
    Items that are indestructible or have no durability can't be made etheral  :axeman:

  • How do i put sockets into my stuff?
    1 Item+(number of sockets)*2 perfect gems=socketed item
    Example: If you want 4 sockets in your torso armor you have to put 8 perfect gems with the armor in the cube.

  • What are oils?
    Oils makes items better. In game you can press "H" for a list.
    • Oil of Accuracy: Increases the chance to hit with a weapon about 1-2%. PERMANENT
    • Blacksmith Oil: Repairs your item (etheral too) completely
    • Oil of Death: Increases +1 min. damage and +2 max. damage on weapons PERMANENT
    • Oil of Fortitude: Increases the durality of items +10-50 PERMANENT Weapons, Shields, Armors
    • Oil of Hardening: Increases the defense of helmets +1 and the defense of armors +2 PERMANENT
    • Oil of Imperviousness: Increases the defense of armors and shields +3-5. PERMANENT
    • Oil of Mastery: Increases the chance to hit with a weapon +3-5%. PERMANENT
    • Oil of Permanence : Makes your item indestructible PERMANENT, weapons, shields, armors
    • Oil of Sharpness: Increases the max. damage +1. PERMANENT
    • Oil of Skill: Reduces the requirements of items -6-10%. PERMANENT Weapons, shields, armors

    Useful links
    • [u]ChaosEmpire Wiki[/u]
    • [u]List of german and some English guides[/u]
    • [u][color=Red][b]Here[/b][/color][/u] you can find the newest version of this Welcome Thread.

      Welcome to the official Board of ChaosEmpire.
      This is a translation from the german FAQ written by Schnarchnase,
      brought to you by:

      Please read this instruction in your own interest to find your way through the board :)

      • Difference between Reply and New
      • The Inhabitant post
      • How should I name my thread?
      • How can I make a account to play online?
      • How to create games
      • First Aid
      • Links
      • Credits

      What is the difference between "Reply" and "New"?

      I know it sounds strange, but there are people who choose the wrong button, funny, isn't it?

      What is Reply?
      With this button you answer to the thread you are currently viewing.
      The button looks like this: [img][/img]

      What is New?
      With this button you create a new topic. Name your topic wisely, so that everybody can see what's the matter. This button looks like: [img][/img]

      The inhabitant-section

      Why should I post in the inhabitant-section?
      In the Inhabitant-section can you tell us a bit about you (including a picture if you want). We are quite a small community and are interested in you ;) . Please tell us a bit about you... The inhabitant-section is [u]here[/u].
      Please read the sticky thread there called Rulez.

      You need an inhabitant post, if you want to hold your account for the ChaosCoreCommunity (CCC) Realm for the future.

      How should I name my threads?

      In the tradesections are only allowed to have one thread/shop.

      Name your thread wisely, so that everybody can see what discussion is inside.

      Tip: Where to post
      If you don't get your answer in the [u]International Support[/u] forum, you can try to post in one of the other topics. There are three different ones: But in most cases you will find your answers in the international support forum.

      How can I make an account to play online?

      You can make a Gameaccount for the CCC-Realm only from within this forum. You have to click on the [u]Chat-Button[/u] at the menu above. You need installed java and your browser must be able to use it.

      Now you copy the Text /msg NICKSERV register ReplaceWithYourRealmPassword from underneath the chatwindow into the chatwindow and press Enter. You can find the Chatwindow after clicking on the menu button called Chat ;)
      Don´t use the shoutbox or anybody can read your password.
      You have to read the ToS (links are under the chatwindow, too) carefully. Not reading them doesn´t change the rules

      How to create games

      How do I create on the CCC Server?

      How it works:

      First, look at the join game list.
      • Is there a game where you can solve your quests? - If it is, join the game instead of opening another.
      • No game that fits you? Then join one or more games and ask the players if they would like to join your game to solve their quests there.
      • No game open? No problem, just open one (if possible with a mule char so that all quests are open for other players) ;) .
      Name your game wisely, so that the others can see what you do in the game!

      Full games give more expierence and its more fun to play together! For user who prefer to play alone, there is a single player mode!!! please use that mode if you don't want to play with other users.

      The functions 'level requirement', 'maximum players' and 'password' are disabled on CCC.

      I wish you loads of fun!

      A User want to start from lvl 1. But there are only games in act 3-5 open. Just join these games and ask, if they would come over to your game!

      If you want to mule, just do it in an open game, tell the users that you want to mule and no one will take anything.

      First Aid
      • Where the hell is Andariel?
        Catacombs level 4 has a new map. It is very large, and there are just two possibilitys for Andariel and Leoric, because they exchange places sometimes.
        If you need help you can look at the [u]picture[/u] - the places are marked with 3.

      • Where can i find "Seven"?
        The way to the seven is in Harrogath, just search a little. If you are totally whicked, look at this.

      • Where can i find the "Dungeon"?
        The entrance to the dungeon you can find at act5 where Nilathak lives, just search a little.^^

      • What does this really BIG stone do in my inventory?
        Put the stone into the cube and morph it, and soon you will have your first and personalized set ;)

      • Why has my teddy no +1 allskill and 2 MF/level?
        Easy. Just put your unidentified unique charm (from the den of evil) with one of the horadric scrolls into the cube and morph!

      • Why can't i add etheral to my items?
        Items that are indestructible or have no durability can't be made etheral  :axeman:

      • How do i put sockets into my stuff?
        1 Item+(number of sockets)*2 perfect gems=socketed item
        Example: If you want 4 sockets in your torso armor you have to put 8 perfect gems with the armor in the cube.

      • What are oils?
        Oils makes items better. In game you can press "H" for a list.
        • Oil of Accuracy: Increases the chance to hit with a weapon about 1-2%. PERMANENT
        • Blacksmith Oil: Repairs your item (etheral too) completely
        • Oil of Death: Increases +1 min. damage and +2 max. damage on weapons PERMANENT
        • Oil of Fortitude: Increases the durality of items +10-50 PERMANENT Weapons, Shields, Armors
        • Oil of Hardening: Increases the defense of helmets +1 and the defense of armors +2 PERMANENT
        • Oil of Imperviousness: Increases the defense of armors and shields +3-5. PERMANENT
        • Oil of Mastery: Increases the chance to hit with a weapon +3-5%. PERMANENT
        • Oil of Permanence : Makes your item indestructible PERMANENT, weapons, shields, armors
        • Oil of Sharpness: Increases the max. damage +1. PERMANENT
        • Oil of Skill: Reduces the requirements of items -6-10%. PERMANENT Weapons, shields, armors

        Useful links
  • [u]How to use the search function (german)[/u]
  • [u]Itemguide English - under construction[/u]
  • [u]Lists of all uniques, sets and runewords in CE[/u]
  • Credits
    Schnarchnase thanks:
    I thank you ChaosEnergy, for this 1337 MOD
    I thank you, Mr Bean, EmGee and The Papst for always being there for the mod and the modder ;)
    I thank you, Olfmo, for the spams, oh, i mean "useful" posts
    I thank Arek alias SireRhaghi. He is a very nice guy
    I thank Celial for translating this FAQ into english
    I thank spaceman2k for the map to andariel and seven
    I thank the HC comm for the loads of nice games
    I thank everybody, who put this thread in their signature   :sword_rune:
    I thank the readers who spent their time to read this  :bow_arrow:

    Celial thanks:
    I thank ChaosEnergy.
    I thank the whole staff who stands behind him.
    I thank Schnarchnase for this guide in german.
    I thank the readers of my translation, i know its not the best  :sword_rune:

    €dit by drow-elf:
    Links and informations updated.
    I thank ScoobyD, for making the itemlists possible.
    I thank webwalker for correcting my faults in this post.
    « Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 10:44:18 am by Drow-Elf »

    Offline Olfmo

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    « Reply #1 on: December 24, 2004, 12:59:10 am »

    What names should i give my threads?

    how should i name my thread sounds better here, because the term "give names" means insulting as far is i know

    How to create good games

    how to create games sounds better imho

    With this button you create a new topic. Name your topic wisely, so that everybody can see what's the matter.

    better: name your thread wisely

    We are quiet a small community and are interested in you

    quite instead of quiet

    What names should i give my threads?

    see my first comment

    In the Tradesections you must put the realmname into the title

    "have to" instead of "must" because must means you may

    Choose the name wisely, so that everybody sees what you want.

    everybody CAN see is better i think

    If you don't get your answer in the international support, you can try to post in one of the other themes. There are 3 different:

    ... support forum... other topics. there are 3 different ones:

    Mod General - here you can ask everything what has to do with the game iteself

    ...that has to do...

    The Realm - here you can ask or tell us about your problems on the realms

    ... problem WITH the realms...

    But in most cases you find your answers in the International Support, so that there will be no need to post in the other themes.

    ... you will find... support forum... other topics

    Which Server should i take?

    choose instead of take

    Thats alone your decision, but i can give you some advice:

    that's your own decision

    CCC - here you can find the most Hardcore players, here is always running the latest version of your favourite game (but that means you will have to download often), you can explore much new things in this versions, and the (small) community is very peaceful and nice

    new features instead of things

    JenWorld: here runs still the 7.49 release version, everybody can play there, bigger community

    here's still running...

    inhabitant thread, where you in big red letters the wish for an account is included.

    inhabitant thread, where you have to put your wish for a ccc account in big red letters

    (note: only ONE post in inhabitant thread is allowed, so edit it in your first post or write it in your first).

    "so edit it in your first post" is enough :)

    How to create good games

    see top

    How do i create on the CCC Server goodly?

    rofl :D sry that i'm laughing but the word goodly doesn't exist
    what you mean is well :P
    best sentence would be "how do i create a game on the ccc server well"

    So does it works:

    how it works:

    No game that fits you?

    no game you can use?
    [/LIST]Name your game wisely, so that the others can see what you do in the game!

    ... what you are doing...

    For user who prefer to play alone, there is a single player mode


    A User want to start from lvl 1. But there are only games in act 13-5 open.


    If you want to mule, just do it in an open game, tell the users that you want to mule and no one will take something.

    i would add: if somebody really should take anything you can make screenshots and tell chaos and if the user is proved guilty he will get banned

    there are just two possibilitys for andariel, if you play on CCC.

    two ways to get to...

    On JenWorld is there only one way.

    there is instead of is there

    One possibility for CCC and the only possibility for JenWorld is this.

    Why has my teddy no +1 allskill and 2 MF/level?

    why does my teddy not have..

    • Why can't i add etheral to my items?


      Items that are indestructible/has no durality can't be made etheral

      have no durability can't be turned etherEal

      1 Gegenstand + (number of sockets + 1) black oils (which type doesn't matter) = socketed item ONLY JEN (7 49)

      gegenstand^^ item of course

      Oils makes items better. In game you can press "H" for a list.

      oils can improve items

      I thank you ChaosEnergy, for this 1337 MOD
      I thank you, Mr. Bean, EmGee and The Papst for always being there for the mod and the modder ;)
      I thank you, Olfmo, for the spams, oh, i mean "useful" posts

      spam instead of spams^^ and delete that plase^^

      i had to take out some smileys i got too much^^
    « Last Edit: December 24, 2004, 12:59:51 am by Olfmo »


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    « Reply #2 on: January 04, 2005, 09:52:36 am »
    thanks for that spam, i mean constructive critic^^

    but i wont edit the greetings by schnarchnase

    Offline Schnarchnase

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    « Reply #3 on: January 05, 2005, 02:18:38 pm »
    new update :)

    cant make two posts in my Thread ^^....


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    Re: Welcome
    « Reply #4 on: May 08, 2005, 06:54:15 pm »
    Uhm. About the CCC server and account creation.
    I created an account without posting in that place.
    I dont even think an ADMIN helped me or created the account.
    There was a form just like any other ACCOUNT CREATION form and i used that.
    Hmmm, i dont know.

    Offline Olfmo

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      • My Inhabitant Thread
    Re: Welcome
    « Reply #5 on: May 08, 2005, 06:57:01 pm »
    yes the information in the first post is really old

    but you still have to create a inhabitant post :)

    read the TOS carefully to avoid any further mistakes

    Offline DrowElf

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    Re: Welcome
    « Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 01:58:43 pm »
    Updated and corrected links.


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    Re: Welcome
    « Reply #7 on: July 16, 2005, 02:00:16 pm »
    The section "which server should I choose" is not really up to date I think. Just check out how many players are on ccc by now

    Offline DrowElf

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    Re: Welcome
    « Reply #8 on: August 22, 2005, 03:24:56 pm »
    Again updated. Comments will be welcome.

    Offline eagerforbattle

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    PLz delete
    « Reply #9 on: September 27, 2006, 08:14:38 am »
    PLz Delete
    « Last Edit: September 27, 2006, 05:53:19 pm by eagerforbattle »