AuthorTopic: Item lose & cube  (Read 1555 times)

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Item lose & cube
« on: September 17, 2006, 04:35:11 pm »
First I know of the ds2 file size limit, OK.
1. The lose of items, happens if you push the limit, which I don't think I'm doing.
2. the lose of the cube is frustrating, thou. Yes, I can replace it fron a new character, which I did. Luckly I was able to create a new character.

3. Could you please check the size of my sorc; A_SorcofBeauty.

The lost cube contained larger items & was half full. The invetory has mostly large & grand charms, with the bags, barrels, caskets & doll stash. No pots.

4. Now I have an other empty cube, which does frost me some. hehehe :-(  ???

5. I don't know if this is a new bug or just the same old one.....Grrrrr If It is a new one, it might not be reported.

thks, I know you guys are over worked, so thanks again

6. I just had connection problems too! Internet Explorer just grabb / became my defult broweser. Grrr
Does anyone know how to remove this setting in IE/ I'm having a memory burn out. i did it in the past, just forgot how. i don't like having a defult browser, as I use several different ones, to cut down on the spam, which seems to work.
thks again
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 04:50:25 pm by bdpf »
:) +  + ;)   Don't Bite now, Lost my teeth
      /\         So now I tell rambling stories!
  / === \      Grumpy, I is
 ! /|||||\ !      Older than dirt, Piped God
 /||||||||\  aboard this here Sky boat called Earth.
          Roll my own cigarettes, strong tobacco
        Drink anything that don't kill me.
   Cleaned my musket, sharpened the blades
Long Bow is strong,  arrows heads sharp, start running
Wannabe wordsmith, stories fabricated.
Don't call me late for lunch


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