Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
At this point I have a big bad news...
The company I worked for, will shutdown the servers hosted there
This means 50% reduce for free realm (only 1 is left there), and 2 little backup servers (nr 7+8) will go down on donators site
On 1rst August alohas server will go down...end of lease...so the last free server will also go down...much faster than expected
rest of servers are all hosted on my site, excluding the ZdL Server, I dont know, when it goes down, and I need to clarify this with the owner
Nice speech Sorky. I think most users will agree you. Sure there can always be more, maybe that some more players understood the situation if the thread "Chaos Empire Finanzierung... " were public and not donators only...
But what upsets some players i hav talked to is that many questions stay unanswered. It seems that serious questions are ignored.
Let me give you a example:
symfora offered to "donate" a new server <- no reaction
I asked Hans how he manages the donators realm access, for he must keep a list to see who paid for how long and when the accounts expire. For there are only little differences to the proposed WoW try and buy system, even it is not supported by the realm software <- no reaction
This is what upsets people and this is why some stick to the free realm and do not donate for as long as their questions r not answered.
I dont say this is the best soulution, these are just some facts i collected from my subjective point of view.
wrong, i answered, but everything is visible to you, but i didnt get back an answer
Sry u answered via pm?
Ok then excuse my impatience!
Hmm is asked him but nothin...
As far as i see your last post relating symforas offer is from July 24, 2006, 07:31:18 am
and the following post from July 24, 2006, 09:20:34 am is the last one relating this topic.
Maybe you two should get in close contact, outside the forum?!
Hehe theres a offer for new (for you Hans free) server capacity!
Morning CE and players,
Well like you said, it has been coming to this. Does not make it easier, I am sure. You have worked tirelessly to make this mod the best it can be. You have done a great job too! I think if enough dedicated players stick with it, it will draw more players, and the mod will grow again! I am confident that this is a short time set back.
Widowmaker and me will always play and have fun and donate to help keep mod alive.
@Sorky : nice post, and well said!
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