Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
Hi all,
Got a few free minuetes to check forum and games. Trying to get some house cleaning done before Widowmaker get off work, or my butt might be sore.!:) She a Red head, so clean I must. lol
@sheeper, we were both at fault! Me as much as you. No worries :)
Everybody is going to have to adjust to the facts that ALL games have problems and the real players will help the games and makers of the games. Mainly because, like me, it gives me a headache just thinking of all the brain work involved in building a game ! I love the games but I could never build one. I can build houses and racing engines and other stuff done with your hands and sweat, but building something as huge as this mod or any mod for that matter, is out of the question:) Hell, I cant even type good, but I can KILL the monsters!!
So anyway, we will all survive I am sure. Play hard and hang with it!!
@CE Hang in there :P, it gonna be alright!
Hi guys, I'm not new to D2 but I'm a total newb at Chaos Empire; PLEASE HELP ME!
I'm at the Catacombs, all I can fight is 'The Butcher' from d1; he's basically impossible for me (Lvl 25 which is ridicilous for Act1 !!)
What am I suppose to do ?! Where do I go, the walkthrough is in german.
HELP ME PLEASE! (I'm a newb to this forums systems to, please post a tip here <this artical>)
I read this in three (wrong) boards!
Use the map, and use your eyes, and always look on small ways
--- Quote from: Hans-Jürgen (ChaosEnergy) on July 19, 2006, 06:08:13 pm ---so, why discussing, if you never have the intation to support the hardware :)
--- End quote ---
I do support - u ll see in a few days :)
Well u said this problem is around for the last 6 months but i m here for maybe a month and i did not find a thread were the possibilities were discussed maybe i didn t look close enough ???
I just thought it s a pitty that noone seems to care for symforas post cause i agreed with his opinion.
Wie funktioniert es genau? Kann ich dir 12 Euro schicken, und dann ein Jahr auf den "Donators" Servern spielen ?
Kann ich meine alten Chars nicht mitnehmen?
Und reicht das Geld fürn Jahr? (Bin Schüler und bald Student, da schmerzt jeder Betrag)...
Aber ich muss sagen, ich verstehs so wie dus gemacht, obwohl ich jez wohl oder übel zahlen muss :D
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