Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
Comments:Chaos Empire introduces more value for members
hi kim
look at my post..on top..there should all your question be answered :P
So if i understand this correct, donators and non-donators are no longer able to play together?
U mentioned a ladder reset... Will the reset only affect the donators? -> 2 ladders?
the donators are on completly other machines
they also can still play on the other realm, if they like
Ok, so if a donator wants to play on a server with less performance, he/she is free to do so ::)
But what is with the ladder(s)? A lot of people like the challenge of beeing first/best/whatever...
Is this challenge still be given for all or seperated in donators and non-donators?
U also mentioned updates (only) for donators, so i guess different verions != one ladder?
2 different frontends = 2 different realms = 2 ladders
For the updates, if there will be huge bugs, I surely fix them on both, if there are improvements, new things, the donators will get them, the non-donators..probably later, we tried a half year to make this without any kind of "rules", didnt work, so we needed to split a big community into 2 half, this makes me unhappy, but I will be more unhappy, if current donators blame me, for bad gameplay, cause they helped all of us before
Ladder Reset on Non-Donators will follow, currently no date is planned (ladder is less than 4 month oild)
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