Computer-Games > Open BNet
Whats wrong With my USEast?
I just started playing CE yesterday, and I really love it, I will continue to play it, and wanted to go invite some of my friends from Bnet to come, but I cannot connect to my USEast acct any more? the Eroue real acct name is always in the acct name place, and even if i change it, I get a logon error msg, and when I close the error window, the Eroupe acct name is back in the box again? any ideas?
Postet at: June 20, 2006, 04:26:51 pmif I can't figure out soon, an easy way to go from real to realm, I guess I'll have to uninstall everything, and reinstall LOD?
does anyone else have problems going from CE on CCC to LOD on USEast?
you only need to deactivate ChaosEmpire after closing d2...then start it change realm play on useast...shutdown d2..reactivate ce play on ccc
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