"Who is Violet may I ask?"
Violet is a girl that goes upstairs, in the ledgend of the Greed Dragon game.
Joe was seen going upstairs with her. <<>>SMILE<<>>
As for travaling, been around a bit thanks to the Navy, Spain, Italy and Japan. Nice when you could get it. <smile>
When I was much younger, free and foot loose. I went to Phinox, AZ via Grant, Az, now that was high going across the high desert, for awhile to vist a girl friend. <grin> Who I meet when working on her introvinus bage filling machine, in Morton Grove, Ill.
Then there was the Great Beer Raid on Larwance, KS, in the middle of a beer canning strike. The three of us fill my station wagon with fifty cases of beer, cleaning out two stores. It was a two trip with a stop over in Columbus, MO. Columbus had four or five girl collages and one boy collage. That afternoon we only bought one drink. It was a shame we had to leave early in the morning. We Had a table surrounded by tables of young ones.
<<Double Big Smile>>
Then there was all the trips to Florida, New Orleans and the Great Dismal Swamp, WV, for the US Naval Reserive.
Got married in the middle of all this. Grin
Most of all this State side travel was by car. The only trouble I had, was when Herself went with me. Still it was fun.
Wish we could do it some more with the kids.
MrMud now you know who Violet is, fun upstairs. L O L
"Wait till you meet the nestlings." <>GRIN<<>>

Postet at: June 07, 2006, 12:22:34 am
White knuckle flyer.....Had to fly with Navy. I walked high structural steel (fun), pipe racks and cracking towers in refiniers, pipe dusted in nukes and ran riasers up the sides of high riase buildings. No Problem. Flying is for birds. C47 twin engine prop job from Rota, Spain to Morocco and back, fun. The navy had two C47 flying the rout from Germany, Spain and Morocco. One was always flying spare parts to the other. Much better than a jet, they could flap their wings to fly. >GRIN< (Didn't fall like a brick.) Made a low powered landing once. LOts of fun!!!!!! Long line at the head, afterwards and bar. 20% power from one engine only. Had only one chance to land, no pulling up to come around, in the hot air of Morroco........Of coarse they didn't tell us till after we landed.
Not cheap buying all the drinks now.
Most of my driving was done with a old 67 Ford Falcon station wagon. 20mls plus / gal,,,Gas was under a dollar / gal.
Bought some once for 25cents/ gal in a gas war in Florida. >smile<
Ah Brian, Spain, had a Violet that traveled with me. Shore stationed in Rota, Spain. Went to Sevile and Madrid by train, which was a blast. It seemed every time we took a train a Federaly Train Inspecter, we knew was on the train. We partied a little on the trains with him. This was a long time before Herself. <Grin>