AuthorTopic: ugh!  (Read 1888 times)

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Offline oldtimerTopic starter

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« on: April 06, 2006, 02:36:46 pm »
um, first of all I am a bit frustrated. I opened the way to hell, last night, and was kinda suprized to see a maze with no mini map. Ok no problem, now I see why it sais allow 2-3 hours to do this part. So off we go(I'm playing with a friend). Now, we have been running around getting lost and killing stuff for about 2 hrs, so I figure we should be 1/2 to 3/4 of the way thru this thing, and then the unthinkable happens,"Your connection has been inturpted" we both got dropped from the game and it disappeared. Needless to say, I was rather upset.

 Now what I need to know is, how do I get the baal quest drop again so I can try again, or (heaven forbid)if it happens again....?

P.S. I'll do this here so I don't have to make a new thread. Can some one plz tell my why we are supposed to make an acc in the people section. It seems to me that it is some kinda dating service or somthing like that, and since I have been married for the last 10 yrs, I don't think I need any thing like that.
 Now if it means loosing my b-net acc., then I'll do it, but it just doesn't make much sence(sp?) to me.

Ty for any help you can give me......

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Re: ugh!
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 02:58:48 pm »
1: AIUI, Damien will drop the Baal Quest Word, so you can re-do the maze.
2: I don't like the "Dating Service" appearance either.  I'm legally married, although my wife ran away two years ago and took a lad just a bit younger than her oldest child for a lover, and the divorce should finish some time this year.  Ergo, I'd like to have a "looking for" box that says "a good book" or "Jesus" or "nothing" or "to lose 25 pounds" or somesuch.  I put down that I'm a couple looking for anything within 89-90 years of age.

Offline bdpf

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Re: ugh!
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 04:53:43 pm »
Guys a little hummor I hope.

Being dropped (connection) is one reson why this old gummy  don't use dial up to play ce on line.

Being an old gummy don't slow me down, But a sharp tunged herself does.
(bald, gray, toothles and randy old goat) Needing no chemical help.

A dating thingy would lead to a war to beat all wars...

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Offline Darkkatgirl

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Re: ugh!
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 06:12:47 pm »
The connection lost happens to anyone with or without dial up.  Thankfully the maze is not one shot but it does take most people 2-4 hours to find the drop there.  Luckily a few friends of mine while we were playing in the maze discovered a nice shortcut that cuts about 2 hours off the time but it still takes about 2 hours on avg.

The connection lost is another reason why I do not agree with the choice to keep the "new" quests a 1 time, 1 shot deal.  Granted the maze is not one shot but things like tristram are.

Granted I understand CE does not want tristram to become a farming area like cows so you will never see a tp there.  Im fine with that.  I think ubers should not be available to anyone but CE and game moderators personally.  I do think that tristram should be repeatable (not the quest reward but just allow players to go in and say HI to the chimera again and again) without having to "leech" the game from others.

If i recall, there was  a red portal in the bottom of the dungeon.  Maybe make this portal lead to tristram?   The dungean can be hard at times and is long enough to keep tristram from being exploited with farming.  Also to prevent "uber" farming, make a random "uber" gear as part of the cgs reward. 

But I think the Cow Maze wp should be accessable to players (maybe use ACT IV wp slot for it or maybe do like a "pvp hut warp or seven warp" where the door is the "portal" but put it somewhere within the cow level)

Damien can be deadly if your not ready.  Have lots of fire resist/absorb and be ready for mana burn.  He has more life than all the monsters in ACT III combined and heals it back faster than ultimate diablo. so carry prevent monster heal.  Good luck when fighting him, you can find him in Act III.
無秩序帝国r 。I.p. 4 月19 日、 2006 年

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Re: ugh!
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 06:41:15 pm »
My best advice to get through the maze is simple. Summon all you can, IF you can. Boost as much up as you can, choose a wall and hug it through the map.
To make it though in less than 2 hours simply have a few "Herbs" on you and ur movespeed will speed up so that wilson kip keeter will look like a snail in a bad wind. :)
I made my way through it in about 1-1.5hours, not sure if i was lucky or what, but i've done it that way about 3 or 4 times now and still keep the time roughly that.
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Re: ugh!
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2006, 06:55:17 am »
Luckily a few friends of mine while we were playing in the maze discovered a nice shortcut that cuts about 2 hours off the time but it still takes about 2 hours on avg.

would you like to share that shortcut with us?  or is it random for each game?

i tried to leave myself 'breadcrums'  - i pick up loads of health/mana potions, and drop them by any entrance i go into - helps me not to go back in same place again.  still takes a heck of a time to get anywhere - going to try again 2day :S

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Re: ugh!
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2006, 08:26:40 am »
The only 'shortcut' i know is to stay constantly on one wall (eg the wall at ur weapon-hand), so will allways go left if a wall is in front of u.
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Everything is f****d, everybody sucks.
You don't really know why
But you wanna justify rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away mo****f****r!
It's just one of those days!