Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

Version 7.66, LadderReset and MakeFriends site on 1st april 2006

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Hi Everybody

First we wanna inroduce our new inhabitant area, making it easier to find friends
At http://chaosempire.info/web/component/option,com_wrapper/Itemid,59/ you can create an account (please use same nickname/password as on mainpage) fill out your profile, and search for friends

If you like you can also access the site directly at http://chaosempire.info/ccc

On 1st of april 2006, around 2 years after version 7.00 gets online ,
Chaos Energy released the new version 7.66
At 5:00 am GMT+1 ChaosEnergy also decided to reset the ladder

You will find a new Full-Version or alternative a 7.65+ based update version in download section

Have fun, and don't forget to donate for another year of fun

Features 7.66
- Necro bone skill tree re-synched
- Sorc Nova/FrostNova re-synched
- New masteries values increased
- WarCry and Hammerdin +1% syn
- 2h-weaponblock for polearms and spears (not with Runewords)
- Moved Akara to a less click critical area in new Old-Tristram
- Added an additional skill for every char to support masteries, Level 1 skill only allskills can increase it
Char ItemType Lvl1Skill LR-Rewqard
ama ama-spear Berserk  Whirlwind
assa x-bow  guided arrow Strafe
baba bow  Magic Arrow Multi
druid druidhammer concentrate Berserk
necro dolch  Zeal  sacrifice
pala zepter  Stun  bash
sorc 2h-stab/schild Zeal  Vengeance/Smite
- Reward of Cain Quest in PoC must now be cubed with one doll
- Decreased damage percent for Fire Enchanted monsters in CgS  and LR
- Added new graphics for caskets
- Lowered resists of AcidBeasts
- Lowered amount of gold drops

Features 7.65 SP4 (non public release)
- Oils get a colored "head" (currently   do not have a good idea for body parts, only sort the caskets alphabetical)
- uberizual lvl increased, fixed drop bug for uber items
- dragons in old tristram get fixed modifier, making them harder to beat
- chimera fly feature disabled, hopefully it fixes the unreachable issue
- hc safe teddy gets magic find with cube recipe, to name hin before, cube it clean with himself
- Druid Summons amount and resists changed
- New Quest Reward in Peace of Cake needs now also a doll from an egg as input

Chaos Empire® is a registered Trademark of Hans-Jürgen Ohler

jaaa am ersten april jaaa :)

und der erste spieler war Ruckelricky

wer sonst als der gute ruckelricky :)

naja ladder reset find ich super chaos :) dann zogg ich jetzt vll auch nochmal an .. auch wenn die ziet kaum da ist ..

...und morgen wird die alte ladder wieder draufgespielt und alle rufen april! april!


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