Unless the blind bonus on Sur has changed, it only gives blind +1. On a ranged weapon that only gives a 16.7% chance to blind targets of the same level and 8.3% chance on monsters 5 levels higher than the character. In addition the duration will be short: The level of Dim Vision that's cast on the target is equal to (Chance - Roll)/5+1, max of 20. Might as well just use the hit causes monsters to flee arrows then. Silence gives blind +33. At that level you have a 100%+ chance to blind anything that can be blinded that is no more than 82 levels above you. That's everything that can be blinded.
For that which can not be blinded (act bosses, uniques, champions, defilers, suicide minions, oblivion knights), I'd like to use decrepify. Monsters that are hit with a combination of hit slows target and decrepify move very slowly (with the exception of ones which are frenzied and have the extra fast property). The problem is that the sources of decrepify for a bowazon really aren't that great. There's a set ring that gives it as an oskill, but I want that slot for the Jewelry of the Diva. There's Duriel's soulstone, but I doubt I'll ever have one and it casts it when struck as well as having it as an oskill. I'd rather just have the oskill for this particular character. There are a variety of weapons that have a chance to cast when striking or when killing, but they aren't suitable weapons for regular use. That leaves me with Pure Rancor hatchets, which have it as an oskill. I can weapon swap, cast, and swap back.
Faith is definitely a great bow though -- fast, high damage, and party friendly aura. However, I'll stick with Silence (actually just check and all of the Amazon only bows can have 6 sockets, so I'll use one of those) and use a Fanaticism merc when I get to Act 2 Come Get Some and in the meantime use a might merc and try to get my hands on one of these:
Lysiann's Eyecatcher
Scarabshell Boots
Defense: 22 - 26
Damage: 60 - 110
Durability: 14
Required Strength: 91
Level Required: 66
400% - 500% Enhanced DamageAll Resistances -50%
-20% Faster Run/Walk
3 - 5 to Martial Arts (Assassin only)
Slows Target by 50%Prevent Monster Heal1% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level)Level 20 - 25 Concentration Aura when equippedHit Blind Target (+1?
? sure wish I knew, but usage will demonstrate about how much)500 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
I've collected enough charms to counter the resistance and run/walk penalties.
I haven't given one of my Medusazons a run since 7.49e, so it's definitely time for another one -- after my doll stash is ready in a few more days.
For other characters I have found life tap to be very valuable. I frequently use Hell's Torment greaves for its 18% CTC level 1 Life Tap.