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need help with the shortcut method on single player
i seen u play on single/tcp/ip and ur dolls 4 trade could u help me i need 2 know how 2 do the shortcut setup 4 single player so i can test cha builds and get familer with the game the fourms dont explain it very good.
Sorry for Offtopic.
The usage of the shortcut for singleplayer are written down in the General Changes under DIABLO II MOD
--- Quote ---Shortcut Switch -act2 until -act5 changed (generates now test char with Level 45/60/78/95)
--- End quote ---
Add them at the startlink on your desktop or startmenu, like
"D:\Programs\DiabloII\Game.exe -act5"
You can combine these shortcut with any other Diablo2 Shortcuts (e.g. "-w" for Windowsmode).
i have read the info here on this site about testing chacters builds by using/adding shortcuts i dont know where nor how to apply this short,do i go into the d2 icon select properties and add it into 1 of those lines,i have tryed this seems 2 me its not working i think im doing somen wrong here,could some1 plz give me detailed ino on how this is done and where 2 do it,i really really appricte ur help on this.
Go into your D2 directory. Right click on the D2 program icon and select "create shortcut." Now right click on the shortcut icon and choose "properties." In properties the target line should be something like:
"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct
Add -act5 at the end to make it:
"C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe" -direct -act5
Now you can double click on that shortcut icon whenever you want to make a test character.
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