Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten
eMail Wurm warnung Nyxem.E
Hi Friends,
On to the Alert !!
The News agencys here in the US or putting out Bulletins advising people of a New Internet Worm released 2/3/06. It is named Nyxem.E. It comes in mainly thur E-mails and E-mail attachments. It corrupts W32 files, locks programs and will lock computer. This must be big because the Local news is even warning people in thier broadcast. My internet security provider McAfee even sent me a warning, about this new worm !
I did not want to send this thur E-mail direct to you, cause I usally dont open any E-mails, unless they are from business that I am expecting E-mail from.
Thought you might want to get the Warning on the Forum, so no one gets hit with this Worm. Your Acct name will get more attention than mine !
I will be on later, got to finish an engine job today, so i will not be able to check messages or play til late today.
Have a nice day My Friend Satye
For further information see
Nice job Webwalker on the Link for more information. Thanks for the help getting the word out about this worm, it looks deadly.
That's the "web" part of "webwalker".
thx for the nice hint brian
and Hey how are u^^
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