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try if char crash the game if inventory bottom and right row(the additional are empty)

i found a little cosmetic issue, if using a emprty row right, but having items left, i can pcik the left item, somewhere on the right side..

so, it would be fine to see, if bootom and right empty char also crash...


--- Quote from: ChaosEnergy on February 03, 2006, 11:42:07 pm ---i found a little cosmetic issue, if using a emprty row right, but having items left, i can pcik the left item, somewhere on the right side..

--- End quote ---

I've done this with a FULL right row... I clicked on my gem bag (right side) and my charm from the left side was gone and was now my mouse cursor!

try a char with empty bottom and right row, to see if crash rate decreaes


--- Quote ---try a char with empty bottom and right row, to see if crash rate decreaes
--- End quote ---

Both one char quitting & joining games worked, and switching fast from char to char worked like in 7.64, *if* both chars had empty bottom and right rows.

I'll now try with empty top and left rows to see if it's position or just how many rows/columns are used.
Postet at: February 03, 2006, 06:03:51 pmHunch verified!  Emptying top and right row worked as well as emptying bottom and left row.


top and left, are always same position as in 764...only changes occure on bootom and right

the issue is, if the bigger inventory is really the issue then there will be an issue or me, to correct this...cause after rolling back size, all char with stuff in those fields get broken...

hopefully some other player can also check, if empty right and botom will help


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