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Questinformations since 7.65

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i'll test it now, results will be edited ^^

seems like when i empty right and bottom row i get no crash by joining and creating games with my ama...

got crash when i changed char to my nec who has not empty rows

will test it now with both empty rows on both chars

ok, now THAT's confusing...
with my nec i cant switch games quick without crash although i cleaned my bottom and right row

now for the REALLY confusing part...
in windowed mode, i get crash with nec and ama (both empty bottom and right rows)
in fullscreen mode, i get no crash with empty rows, changing chars and joining/creating games work.

@chaos hab auhc bemerkt dass ein ca. 1px streifen rechts die items auf der linken seite beschreibt... wenn du nicht verstehst was ich meine, kann ich auch einen screenshot machen ;)

Please continue here for crashdiscussion:,com_smf/Itemid,56/topic,11184.0#new

Sorry, that's all in German, except for your initial post.  If I'm to be able to understand and contribute to what study goes on, this is too technical for the guessing that I must do to follow a thread in German.

My results from yesterday were not confusion: Emptying the right and bottom rows stopped the crashing. ALSO! filling the right and bottom row but emptying the left and top row STOPPED THE CRASHING.

My guess:
    The key to the problem is wrapping an item index from the edges.  I've picked up a charm in my left edge column by clicking on the gem bag in my right edge column.  I'll refer to the items on the edges as having the same (wrapped) index, I think this happens only at the extreme edge of the item in the edge row (edge pixel rather than edge cell it the apparent key)
    As long as there weren't two items with the same index, the game was happy, and I could switch back and forth with high speed and no crashes time after time.
    Also, if entering from the log-in screen, the game was happy regardless of whether the inventory was absolutely full, so, exiting from, logging in, selecting a Completely Full Inventory Character, and entering a game, always works.
    Not yet tested: switching from left/top-empty to right/bottom-empty, so as to see if it's left-over data or indicies from the previous character, since I can always have success if I exit between characters.

Added the newest Informations/warnings belonging to the new Quest.

--- Quote ---VERY IMPORTANT:
- Don´t finish the Charsi Quest before finishing the new Quest! Otherwise you maybe are not able to pick up all Quest related drops.

- Take care that the death hit comes from a real attack skill (not something like e.g. bladeshild) or you may loose the special drop.

- If you kill the enemies from the new Quest in a corner you may also loose the quest drop. You should try to evade this situation.

--- End quote ---


"Don´t finish the Charsi Quest before finishing the new Quest! Otherwise you maybe are not able to pick up all Quest related drops."

Does this mean don't imdue an item or get the hammer?



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