Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

Quest Warning

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Hi Everybody

dont do the following quests if you want to be able to get the upcoming reward for doing a new Level-Set in act1

To be able to get into there, you should not finish the following quests in CGS:

- Cain (Act1 Quest3, also NEVER open Portal in CairnStones, or be in party if someone else does!!)
- Baal
- Dont kill CowKing

I m thinking about a solution, how to give "older" high lvl char a chance to do this "quest" also after having done this quests, but dont expect a solution..

Seems to be the badside of a new ladder starting with an old version, instead of a new one...

hm naja cain hab ich schon lang erledigt xD
*in den finger beiss*

everything is fine i think and everybody who is reading it will try to prevent to do this or he can life with the result of his actions

also danke für den hinweis und weiter so
der Vorgeschmack auf den Patch für die Mod war genial

In dem Falle is CG's Come Get also Hell, oder?

Nur, damit ich das ned missverstehe, würd mich ärgern, wenn ich jetzt LR ned weitermach!

ja, nur auf come get some (=hell)


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