Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

UserName changes

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Hi All

we need to change UserNames cause of the move to the new site

Therefore any username including other parts than a-z A-Z or 0-9 must be removed

So Drow-Elf is now DrowElf for example, on realm it will still be Drow-Elf cause there it is not possible to change the account name.

You can have a preview to the new download section on new site(rest is empty) at http://chaosempire.info/web


In case of trouble write an eMail to chaosenergy (at) chaosempire.net
Don't forget to use a good topic or I delete it as spam :)

€ After 7hours of manually editing entries, the databases are syncronized
Not everyone got s an eMail, but I assume removing all non alphanumeric character from login name should fix your login issue :)

Idea: Chaos, could you start a game with a viewer (one in HCL one in SCL) so people can
1: create a new account (DrowElf for example)
2: Come in with char (Drow-Elf::MyKickAssassin for example) and drop stuff
3: Delete Drow-Elf::MyKickAssassin, and create DrowElf::MyKickAssassin (same name new account)
4: come into the ViewerMule game and pick up the stuff
5: Repeat for all characters

These two games would stay permanently.

I'm wondering if we could do this as an alternative to resetting the ladder and simultaneously deleting all accounts with mis-matching names.

there is no problem for me, to have accounts with a - cause i know in forum, they wont have it :)
and new accouints wont have such non alpha numeric characters...
Postet at: December 07, 2005, 12:17:05 amready...

edit2: hab ja nch ein _ i nmeinem namen.wird das noch geändert...bzw: das muss wohl geändert werden,oder?

wegen dir muss ich alles rueckganegig machen..grr

da aender ich gerade alle _ in was anderes..hab so 20user durch..und merke..joomla frisst _
also keine aenderung noetig..deshalb hast jetzt wie einige andere 2 emails :P

was scheinbar auch klappte waren []
aber ich wuerd sagen..vermiedet sonderzeichen generell :P


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