Daily Chaos > Neuigkeiten

Server downtime on saturday 03.12.2005

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Seems to be finished now. Cocacola, wonderbra
Coffee is a drug....


has been finished...1hour later as it has been finished :)
i jsut updated the kernel...and some other parts

cause of my double system, i need to copy and change values...
i change dvalues..but only 50% :)

ok..machine is up, and updated..imaged..hdd fixed...i will scan the disk more often now...

chaos...bed searching...and...i need to awake early enough before shop is closed..i need hdds for my ce-develop machine..remember..another hdd issue..and the hdd makes noise...

300 GB 800 €   oO, didnt know that theyre so expensive...

Sollte jetzt wieder alles funktionieren ? Kann noch keine Verbindung aufbauen ?!

thanks ChaosEnergy

How long time to server open?
I am Asia realm user, and Now Asia time is 5:24 PM :)
so, many players are waiting to server open.

Can I know server open time, that you guess?


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